Advanced Tutorials

Cookie Wall mode


The "Cookie Wall" mode transforms the behavior of the PubConsent panel by removing the possibility for end users to refuse consent. They will then only be able to accept cookies or sign up for a subscription to the website.

The user will still be able to access the preferences options management panel but will only be able to make limited choices, not being able to refuse the cookies necessary for the delivery of advertising.

Do you want to activate or deactivate this mode based on your logic? At any time, page or section of your site with PubConsent you can override the configurations through a simple JavaScript script.

Don't worry about reporting, PubConsent was created to be modular and completely customizable, in fact every change to the configuration will correspond to an adaptation of the reporting.


To configure the Cookie Wall mode it will be necessary to enable the corresponding flag in the PubConsent configurator.

Flag 'Modalità Cookie Wall'
Flag 'Modalità Cookie Wall'

Once the Cookie Wall mode has been enabled, the following fields must be configured:

  • Link to login page
  • Link to the subscription page for a subscription
  • A list of urls where you don't want PubConsent to be shown
Configurazioni Cookie Wall
Configurazioni Cookie Wall

In the url entered in the configurator relating to the login page and the subscription page, the CMP will not be shown to the user.

Acceptance API

It may be necessary to insert a button on the subscription or login pages that allows the user not to choose the paid option, but to accept cookies and continue browsing.

It is possible to link the cookie acceptance action to the click of the button without necessarily having to repair the cmp. The action is as follows:


Example of integration on a custom button:


PubConsent exclusion on pages for subscribers

In the event that the user has subscribed to use the contents of the website, it may be necessary not to show PubConsent.

To do this, simply add the name of the cookie that is used on the site to recognize the status of the subscriber. PubConsent will recognize the presence of this cookie in the user's browser and will therefore not be executed.